Engr. Dr. Johannes Ami

Research Fellow


Engr. Dr. Johannes Ami is a Lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Petrochemical Engineering of the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT). His professional and academic work cuts across areas such as enzyme technology, renewable energy (specifically biofuels), waste to energy technologies, water and waste water treatment and chemical product design.

He has about 10 years of experience in research, teaching, competency-base teaching (CBT) curriculum and programme development. Johannes has been involved in a number of clean energy and waste utilization projects since 2011. In his research activities over the years, Engr. Dr. Ami has received some grants and scholarships and has collaborated with other researchers both locally and internationally on projects. Some of the funded projects and his roles are the MESTI/COTVET grant for process development and enhancement for SMEs (Project Leader), Feacal Sludge to Biodiesel Project funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Project Team Member), Seaweed Biorefinery in Ghana funded by DANIDA (Project Team Member) and Chamber of Mines Fund for Faculty Members, UMaT (Project Team Member). He has worked for and with several international and national institutions including DANIDA, CSIR, SNV, Jospong Group of Companies and ECOM Agro-industrial Corp Ltd.

Engr. Dr. Ami has supervised and is still supervising Bachelor and Graduate theses. He is an External Examiner of Master of Science Theses for some local universities. Engr. Dr. Ami has participated in over twenty (20) workshops, seminars, training and symposia locally and internationally. He has organised five (5) conferences and training seminars. Engr. Dr. Ami is a reviewer for some local and international journals.                                                                  

He is also founding member and shareholder of VanMadson, an engineering consulting company that is into the design and management of processing plants. He is a professional engineer with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Ghana and has a number of scholarly publications to his credit.