Innovation Challenge: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Africa

Innovation Challenge

Theme: Circular Economy Champions: Challenging the Next Generation of West African sub region Engineers to turn Waste into Wealth through Engineering Design Competition

1. Purpose

This competition is intended to facilitate an activity that responds to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose of this competition is to contribute to the celebration of the Africa Engineering Week by engaging engineering students in the Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) Region in an innovation, design and entrepreneurship activity. Through this activity, students are expected to develop innovative solutions to address problems relating to environmental sustainability.

2. Objectives

The objectives are to assess the competitors ability to: (1) apply engineering design to produce innovative solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors, (2) to communicate engineering design process and solutions effectively with a range of audiences, (3) function effectively in a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and (4) apply innovation and entrepreneurial concepts to develop sustainable and marketable products.

3. Nature of the Competition

The competition is organized by UNESCO-TCC as part of its mandate to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. The competition is aimed at the development of engineering design teams to solve a multidisciplinary problem that aims at sustainability of Africa.

3.1 Criteria for Teams and Participants

a) The competition invites only design teams from the same institution.
b) Each member of the Design Team shall be an active undergraduate student in an accredited
c) The Team leader shall be an active student member of locally recognized engineering society.
d) The minimum number of participants in a team is three, at least one of which is a female.
e) The maximum number of participants in a team is five, at least one of which is a female.
f) The competition is open to students in institutions in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA).

3.2 Conditions of Competition

a) The registration is performed in the name of the team leader.
b) Each work registered shall become the property of the organizing institution, TCC-CIMET.
c) The work must be an original and shall not be the work of others or modification of the work of others.
d) TCC-CIMET reserves the right to disqualify a team that is not in accordance with the
applicable conditions.
e) Submissions that are disqualified and are not entitled to receive any compensation/reward in any form.
f) The decision of the Jury is final and inviolable.

4.3 Requirements of the Competition

The competition ranges from problem definitions through entrepreneurship. The teams must demonstrate knowledge and application of the design process. All completed submissions shall be evaluated. Selected submissions shall be invited to the preliminary design stage. A handful of submissions shall be selected to the final stage of the competition.

a) Registration Stage: Competitors shall submit the following as part of the registration process.

i. Title of Design

ii. Team Members with Affiliation

iii. Problem Statement

b) Phase 1 Preliminaries: Submission will be by invitation only and based on the quality of the submission at the Registration stage. Phase 1 submission shall consist of the following:

i) Functional Requirements

(ii) Description of Design Requirements

(iii)Description and Justification of Evaluation Criteria with Weights

(c) Phase 2 Design Stage: This will be by invitation only, and based on the quality of Phase 1 submission. Submission shall consist of the following:

i) Conceptual Designs with CAD Drawings/Model: Physical Description of the Design; how it works; how it satisfies the desired function; how it satisfies the specified design requirements.

ii) Final Selected Design with justification and complete details

d) Phase 3 Product Realization Stage: This is the Final Submission and will be by invitation only. It shall be based on the quality of Phase 2 submission. The number of finalists will be determined by the committee. The final submission shall consist of the following:

i. Video of Physical Working Device or Simulation of Working prototype of the final design

ii. Marketing Plan

iii. Final Project Report

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