World Engineering Day 2024 (WED24)

Event | 23rd February 2024 to 4th March 2024 | 10:00 AM |

Theme: Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable World

TCC-CIMET, KNUST has been a leader in Africa's technology transfer, advanced manufacturing, engineering research, and technology entrepreneurship skill development for over the past 50 years. Since its establishment in 1972, the Centre has continuously adhered to its fundamental principles and integrated business process innovation to ensure sustainable operations.
In 2019, the UNESCO General Conference proclaimed that World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development would be celebrated annually on the 4th of March each year. As we are all aware, the theme for the 2024 World Engineering Day (WED24) has been captioned “Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable World”.

TCC-CIMET as a UNESCO Category II Centre and an institution of excellence in the field of engineering, is taking the initiative to organize activities that highlight the significance of this day. These activities will be executed in the form of webinars and seminars in line with UNESCO’s capacity-building efforts. This proposal provides an overview of the various activities that the Centre will be organizing and the scope of the work involved.

Summary of Activities

Encouraging Female in STEM: Inspiring Curiosity for Senior High School Female Students to Pursue Engineering Education

This interactive seminar aims to inspire over 400 female senior high school students about engineering. Hosted at KNUST, college of engineering, it will gather students to participate in a collaborative talk show with engineering professionals, educators, and innovators discussing their work and fielding questions. The goal is to promote STEM education and motivate students to pursue engineering careers to address sustainability challenges. A variety of perspectives will expose attendees to opportunities in the field and foster innovative thinking. Evaluation will gauge the event's effectiveness in cultivating interest in engineering.

Creative Capacity Building and Fabrication: Cost Effective Tool for Corn Shelling and Corn Cob Charring for Clean Energy

This initiative aims to empower maize farmers in Ghana by teaching them how to transform waste maize cobs into useful products. Farmers will learn how to make briquettes from the cobs that can be used for clean cooking fuel. They will also discover how to utilize simple tools for corn shelling. This provides additional income sources while being environmentally friendly. It promotes a circular economy and reduces reliance on firewood and human efforts in shellling. The workshops will be hands-on and interactive to ensure the farmers gain practical skills to apply sustainable practices in their community.

Community Creative Capacity Building Advocacy Training:  Creative Capacity Building in Biochar Production for Clean Energy and Regenerative Agriculture

The Mfensi community has an abundance of clay and agricultural produce. This initiative will teach 100 community members to create sustainable products from these resources. They will learn to produce briquettes from biochar, utilize the biochar in regenerative agriculture purposes, and also in their clay industry.

Empowering Artisans with Smart Manufacturing Techniques:  A Showcase of CNC Technologies and Their Impact on Product Quality and Supply Chain Efficiency.

This initiative aims to teach advanced manufacturing techniques to 100 artisans and students. Workshops will introduce computer-aided design and manufacturing technologies like CNC machining. Participants will be shown how to model products digitally and then manufacture them using CNC machines guided by the CAD files. They will also learn the fundamentals of plasma cutting. The goal is to boost skills and empower people to meet modern industry demands more efficiently. This is expected to increase income, productivity, and job opportunities - contributing to sustainable community development.

STEM Empowerment Program: Connect IoT workshops, Sustainable Technology Solutions, Engineering Talks, and Smart Networking in Bosomtwe Girls STEM Senior High School

TCC-CIMET is hosting a STEM Empowerment Program for Bosomtwe Girls STEM High School to promote engineering education. Over 260 students and 40 staff will engage in hands-on IoT workshops to learn about and experiment with cutting-edge technologies like smart devices. They will develop projects like smart irrigation systems and sanitizing stations. Industry professionals will speak about real-world applications and sustainability. The goal is to empower youth and foster innovation skills while addressing global challenges. Students will gain practical skills and insight into STEM careers to pave their path to becoming future engineers

Harmonizing Nature in Engineering Design for Sustainable Solutions: Insights from the African Indigenous Perspective

This forthcoming webinar aims to revolutionize engineering design practices for sustainability by incorporating insights from the indigenous African perspective. It will explore the harmonization with nature and draw inspiration from it. The Nature System, with nature as an operator, will be introduced as a framework to connect natural systems and technical processes. Targeting the engineering community, the webinar will highlight the significance of the product value chain, generate employment opportunities, and encourage a holistic and environmentally conscious approach to design. Participants will gain practical knowledge to create sustainable solutions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Schedule of events

Creative-capacity-building-and-fabrication community-creative-capacity-building-advocacy-training
Empowering-artisans-with-smart-manufacturing-techniques encouraging-female-in-stem
stem-empowerment-programme Harmonizing-nature-in-engineering